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v1.1.11 Release (01/29/23)

Official Changelog v1.1.10 (Jan 29, 2023)

A handful of features were added and a number of UI enhancements were made in this short release.

Notable Changes

# 17 - Logic Backup Integration

A new integration type has been added called Backups, which will allow you to select providers to backup your Logic installation to. Currently Amazon S3 storage has been written for this integration type. This will backup all your site data and database snapshots on a nightly basis.

# 135 - Google Maps Integration

When creating an account or updating a profile, you can now integrate your Google Maps API key for lookups. If you host with Vocalogic, a key will be provided for your site. If you are hosting elsewhere, you will need to obtain your Google Maps Key, and add it in settings for this feature to be enabled.

For a list of items completed in this release please visit Milestone v1.1.11 Status for a list of all items completed.