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Create affiliates with coupons for basic commissioning

Beginning in v1.1.13 Logic will support the adding of Affiliates as commission-able "agents". This method requires less introduction in how to create quotes to people who want to sell for you and just provide customers with a Coupon code that will track sales.

An example would be where someone posts an affiliate code say on a YouTube video or Twitter post that says "Use coupon code SOMETHING for 10% off your first order".

Here's how we create an affiliate code.

Navigate to Admin -> Affiliates

Click Add Affiliate

Affiliate Create/Edit Modal

Affiliate Create/Edit Modal

Affiliate NameEnter the affiliate's name
Affiliate EmailEnter the affiliate email for commissions
Company NameEnter the Affiliate company name if applicable
MRR PercentageSet the amount of commission of recurring invoices or
SPIFF in MonthsSet the SPIFF amount in months

Once you have created the affiliate you can then select the affiliate in the coupon code created.

Create a new Coupon in Admin -> Coupons and fill in the details. For the demonstration, we will create a coupon code called CREATOR and it will be 10% off the customer's first recurring invoice if they spend a minimum of $100.

Creating a Coupon with an Affiliate linked

Creating a Coupon with an Affiliate linked

When a customer uses this coupon at checkout, they will receive 10% off their first order (or monthly service if a service is added)

Also, when an invoice is generated on this account, the affiliate "Content Creator" that we created above will receive 10% monthly on the monthly recurring revenue (MRR) on the account.