Lead Settings
Define lead types, origins and statuses for your leads.
There are a few items you can track with Leads that make organizing them easier.
Lead Types
A lead type is a way to categorize a lead for the type of service requested. This also ties into the discovery builder and will ask the sales agent/customer a series of questions relating to that lead type.
Lead Origins
This allows you to track where leads came from. For instance, if you had an expo you were going to and wanted to track all your leads from that event, you could create a Lead Origin called "Expo 2023" and then create reports based on those leads.
Lead Statuses
Lead statuses are simple ways to track the progress of a lead. There are a few types that are hard-coded and cannot be changed. New, Lost, and Won are defaults and cannot be updated. You could create a lead status called "Waiting for Customer" for instance if you have sent a quote and are waiting feedback from the customer.
Updated over 1 year ago